Shiga University of Medical Science >ENGLISH
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”ŽŽm‘æ419† “¡ˆä@‰ž— Bradykinin improves LV diastolic function under chronic ACE inhibition in heart failure
Hypertension (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ420† “c”¨@‹M‹v Bacterial translocation and peptidoglycan translocation by acute ethanol administration
Journal of Gastroenterology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ421† “nç²@ŽŠ Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Diabetes by Body Mass Index Levels in a Cohort of 5,636 Japanese
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ422† Š@ˆ® What Unfavorable Factors Are Associated with Low Serum Total Cholesterol in a Japanese Population?
Journal of Epidemiology, Vol.12(3), 271-279, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ423† “¿ì@•òŽ÷ Modes of Silencing of p16 in Development of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Cancer Research, Vol.62, 4938-4944, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ424† ´…@Œ’‘¾˜Y Potentiation of slow component of delayed rectifier K+ current by cGMP via two distinct mechanisms: inhibition of phosphodiesterase 3 and activation of protein kinase G
British Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.137(1),127-137, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ425† ìã@‹O The roles of supernumerical X chromosomes and XIST expression in testicular germ cell tumors
The Journal of Urology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ426† ²“¡@m Nutritional benefits of enteral alanylglutamine supplementation on rat small intestinal damage induced by cyclophosphamide
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ427† ‰Ô–ž@‰ëˆê Effect of artificially lengthened vocal tract on vocal fold oscillation's fundamental frequency
Journal of voice (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ428† —Ç“c@‰ë‹I Primate neurons show different vulnerability to transient ischemia and response to cathepsin inhibition
Acta Neuropathologica, Vol.104(3), 267-272, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ429† r–Ø@‹vŸ Purification, molecular clonning, and immunohistochemical localization of dipeptidyl peptidase II from the rat kidney and its identity with quiescent cell proline dipeptidase
iƒ‰ƒbƒgt‘Ÿ‚©‚ç‚Ìdipeptidyl peptidase II‚̸»AƒNƒ[ƒjƒ“ƒOA–Ɖu‘gDŠw“I‹ÇÝ‚¨‚æ‚Ñquiescent cell proline dipeptidase‚Æ‚Ì‘Š“¯«‚ɂ‚¢‚Äj
The Journal of Biochemistry, Vol.129, 279-288, 2001
”ŽŽm‘æ430† ˆÉ“¡@–¾•F Enhancement of aquaporin 3 by VIP in a human colonic epitherial cell line
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ431† ã–ì@‹`‹L Evaluation of Left Ventricular Systolic and Diastolic Global Function: Peak Positive and Negative Myocardial Velocity Gradients in M-Mode Doppler Tissue Imaging
Echocardiography, Vol.19(1), 15-25, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ432† ‰œ–ì@‹MŽj Interleukin-1ƒÀ and Tumor Necrosis Factor-ƒ¿ Induce Chemokine and Matrix Metalloproteinase Gene Expression in Human Colonic Subepithelial Myofibroblasts
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.37, 317-324, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ433† ‹àè@Œ[‘¢ N-Acetyl-Seryl-Aspartyl-Lysyl-Proline Inhibits TGF-ƒÀ-Mediated Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Expression via Inhibition of Smad Pathway in Human Mesangial Cells
iN-Acetyl-Seryl-Aspartyl-Lysyl-Proline‚̓qƒgƒƒTƒ“ƒMƒEƒ€×–E‚É‚¨‚¢‚ÄTGF-ƒÀŽhŒƒ‚É‚æ‚éPlasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1‚Ì”­Œ»‚ð‘jŠQ‚·‚éj
Journal of American Society of Nephrology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ434† ‹MŽu@–¾¶ Sumoylation of Pdx1 Is Associated with Its Nuclear Localization and Insulin Gene Activation
American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ435† ‰z“c@”ÉŽ÷ Estrogen Receptor Expression and Estrogen Receptor-Independent Cytotoxic Effects of Tamoxifen on Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor Cells in vitro
Japanese Journal of Cancer Research, Vol.93 (12), 2002 (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ436† ãã@–F’j Amelioration of retarded neurite outgrowth of dorsal root ganglion neurons by overexpression of PKCƒÂ in diabetic rats
Neuroreport (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ437† àV“c@’qŽq Magnetic resonance imaging studies of the volume of the rabbit eye with intravenous mannitol
Current Eye Research (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ438† ´…@^–ç Mechanism for Differential Effect of Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B on Akt Versus Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes
Endocrinology, Vol.143(12), 4563-4569, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ439† ™@—m Monoamine oxidase type B is localized to mitochondrial outer membranes in mast cells, Schwann cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts of the rat tongue
Acta Histochem. Cytochem., Vol.35(5), 417-422, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ440† Ruxandra Stavrescu Epicatechin-copper(II) complexes: damage of small intestinal epithelium
Central European Journal of Chemistry 1, 2003 (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ441† ŠÖª@— Insulin Activates CCAAT/Enhancer Binding Proteins and Proinflammatory Gene Expression through the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
iƒCƒ“ƒXƒŠƒ“‚ÍŒŒŠÇ•½ŠŠ‹Ø×–E‚É‚¨‚¢‚Äphosphatidylinositol 3-kinase‚ð‰î‚µ‚ÄCCAAT/enhancer binding protein‹y‚щŠÇ«ˆâ“`Žq”­Œ»‚ðŠˆ«‰»‚³‚¹‚éj
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.277(39), 36631-36639, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ442† ‚’J@‹G•ä Involvement of ERK pathway in albumin-induced MCP-1 expression in mouse proximal tubular cells
American Journal of Physiology/Renal Physiology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ443† ’OŒã@‘׋v Adenovirus-Mediated p14ARF Gene Transfer Cooperates with Ad5CMV-p53 to Induce Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cells
Human Gene Therapy, Vol.13, 1373-1382, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ444† ’ˉº@‚µ‚« ˆÝ‘ŠúŠà‚Æ‘BŽî/ˆÙŒ`¬‚ÌMUCˆâ“`Žq‚¨‚æ‚уÀ-ƒJƒeƒjƒ“‚Ì”­Œ»
1. MUC gene expression and histogenesis of adenocarcinoma of the stomach
2. Beta-catenin expression in intramucosal neoplastic lesions of the stomach: comparative analysis of adenoma/dysplasia, adenocarcinoma and signet ring cell carcinoma
1. International Journal of Cancer, Vol.94(2), 166-170, 2001
2. Oncology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ445† “›ˆä@’ Plasma oxidized low-density lipoprotein as a prognostic predictor in patients with chronic congestive heart failure
Journal of American College of Cardiology, Vol.39, 957-962, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ446† à_“c@‰Â“ÞŽq Properties of the Na+/K+ pump current in small neurons from adult rat dorsal root ganglia
i¬nƒ‰ƒbƒgŒãª_Œo߬Œa_Œo×–E‚É‚¨‚¯‚é Na+/K+ƒ|ƒ“ƒv“d—¬‚Ì“Á«j
British Journal of Pharmacology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ447† •Ÿ‰i@“N–ç Effects of the soluble fibre pectin on intestinal cell proliferation, fecal short chain fatty acid production and microbial population
Digestion (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ448† –q–ì@m Inhibitory effects of the new anti-inflammatory agent, IS-741, on spontaneous colitis in HLA-B27/ƒÀ2-microglobulin transgenic rats
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol.17(8), 854-860, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ449† ŽR“c@’‰‘¥ Serotonin stimulates endotoxin translocation via 5-HT3 receptors in the rat ileum
American Journal of Physiology (in press)
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ŠwˆÊ‹L”Ô† Ž@@–¼ ŠwˆÊ˜_•¶‘è–Ú ŒfÚŽGŽ
‰¡–ì@•¶ The Effect oh CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 Genotypes on the Metabolism of Clomipramine in Japanese Psychiatric patients
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Vol.21(6), 549-555, 2001
’·“c@Œ’ Intracellular localization of serotonin in mast cells of the colon in normal and colitis rats
The Histochemical Journal (in press)
ç–ì@‰ÀG Colocalization of NO and VIP in neurons of the submucous plexus in the rat intestine
Peptides (in press)
²“¡@C“ñ Heart rate variability during long truck driving work
Journal of Human Ergology (in press)
ŠâŒ©@’B–ç Common neural processing regions for dynamic annd static stereopsis in human parieto-occipital cortices
Neuroscience Letters Vol.327(1), 29-32, 2002
“c‘º@—SŽ÷ Clonal Analysis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Intraepithelial Components
Pathobiology Vol.69(6), 289-296, 2001
‘딨@”\Žq “ûŽ™“àŽÎŽ‹‚ɑ΂·‚é‘ŠúŽèpŒã‚Ì—¼ŠáŽ‹‹@”\ Ž ‰êˆãŠw‘æ25Šª‘æ‚P†@ˆóü’†
“Œ–ì@Ž–¤ Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor Shows a Unique Neural Differentiation as Distinct from Neuroblastoma
Cancer Science, Vol.94(1), 2003 (in press)
•½ˆä@‹v—Y Mouse Flamingo 1/Celsr 2 relates neuronal reorganization of the hypertrophic dentate granule cells after kainate injection
Brain Research (in press)
‹g“c@”E Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor Shows Incomplete Neural Characteristics as Revealed by Expression of SNARE Complex
Journal of Neuroscience Research, Vol.69(6), 642-652, 2002
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ŠwˆÊ‹L”Ô† Ž@@–¼ ŠwˆÊ˜_•¶‘è–Ú ŒfÚŽGŽ
CŽm‘æ37† ²“¡@—fŽq ‚RÎŽ™‚ð‚à‚•êe‚̈玙•‰’SŠ´‚Æ–ðŠ„’B¬Š´‚Æ‚ÌŠÖ˜A  
CŽm‘æ38† ‚“ˆ@ˆ¤—¢ ’†“ì•Äƒjƒ…[ƒJƒ}[‚Ì•êe‚̈玙ƒXƒgƒŒƒX  
CŽm‘æ39† ’J“c@ŒbŽq ŽÀŒ±“Iáu’É‚Ì臒l‚ɑ΂·‚é–F‚ÌŒø‰Ê  
CŽm‘æ40† Ž›Œû@²äoŽq ŠÌˆÚApŒã‚ÌdÇ“x•]‰¿‚ÆŽ©—¥_Œo‹@”\‚ÌŠÖŒW‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä‚ÌŒŸ“¢  
CŽm‘æ41† ¼ŽR@‚ä‚©‚è —Õ°ŽÀKŽw“±ŽÒ‚ÌE‹ÆŽ©‰ä‚Ì”­’B‰ß’ö‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚錤‹†  
CŽm‘æ42† ‘º“c@²“o”ü ¶‘̃Cƒ“ƒs[ƒ_ƒ“ƒX–@‚ð—p‚¢‚Ä‚Ì”D•w‚ÌŒ’NŠÇ—‚ÌŒŸ“¢  
CŽm‘æ43† –{‹½@”ü‘ãŽq ˜V”NŠú‚É“œ”A•a‚Æf’f‚³‚ꂽl‚Ì•a‹C‚Ì”F’m  
CŽm‘æ44† ’†–ì@‰ëŽq ’s•ð«‚—îŽÒ‚̃Rƒ~ƒ…ƒjƒP[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“Šˆ“®‚Æ‚`‚c‚k‚ÌŠÖ˜A  
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