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Overview of NERC

¡¡NCD Epidemiology Research Center (NERC) was established as the Japan's first base for international collaborative epidemiologic research in 2013. This center is equipped the data management function, biobank function and research clinic function to enable the large-scale epidemiological survey. Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (heart disease, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, dementia, etc.) are becoming increasingly serious problems in the world. The center plans to construct leading-edge epidemiologic research on the prevention of NCDs.
¡¡Currently, we are conducting the NIPPON DATA study, the Shiga Epidemiological Study of Subclinical Atherosclerosis(SESSA), Shiga Cardiovascular Disease Registry, the Takashima Study, the International Collaborative Study INTERMAP, the EPOCH-JAPAN, etc.

The center promotes research in three areas and education.

[A] Research

  1. Preventive medicine of NCDs (Department of Preventive Medicine)
  2. Leading-edge epidemiologic research on NCDs (Department of Advanced Epidemiology)
  3. Statistical methods for NCD epidemiology (Department of Medical Statistics)

[B] Education

  1. Graduate and continuing education to train specialists in epidemiologic research on NCDs (Graduate leading course on NCD epidemiology)

To promote these projects, the center will focus on the development of new technology via academia¨Cindustry collaborative research with private companies, creation of a global research and educational environment through collaboration with many overseas research institutions, and training specialists by promoting graduate and continuing education.

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