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ŠwˆÊ‹L”Ô† Ž@@–¼ ŠwˆÊ˜_•¶‘è–Ú ŒfÚŽGŽ
”ŽŽm‘æ450† ¼—Ñ@Œi“ñ Improved Left Ventricular Aneurysm Repair with Bioengineered Vascular Smooth Muscle Grafts
Circulation, Vol.108(1), 2003 (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ451† ¼–{@•—m Chymase inhibition prevents cardiac fibrosis and improves diastolic dysfunction in the progression of heart failure
Circulation, Vol.107(20), 2555-2558, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ452† ŽR–{@®Žq Heterogeneity of interleukin 5 genetic background in atopic dermatitis patients: significant difference between those with blood eosinophilia and normal eosinophil levels
iƒAƒgƒs[«”畆‰ŠŠ³ŽÒ‚É‚¨‚¯‚éƒCƒ“ƒ^[ƒƒCƒLƒ“‚T‚̈â“`“I”wŒi‚Ì•s‹Ïˆê«D ––½ŒŒDŽ_‹…‚’lŒQ‚Ƴí’lŒQ‚Ì”äŠrj
Journal of Dermatological Science (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ453† ‹à@ˆê‹Å Protein Kinase CƒÀ Selective Inhibitor LY333531 Attenuates Diabetic Hyperalgesia Through Ameliorating cGMP Level of Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons
Diabetes, Vol.51, 2003 (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ454† Henrik Pallos Sleep habits, prevalence and burden of sleep disturbances among Japanese graduate students
Sleep and Biological Rhythms, Vol.1(3) , 2003 (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ455† ”nê@dŽ÷ Regulation of IL-11 expression in intestinal myofibroblasts: role of c-Jun AP-1-and MAPK-dependent pathways
American Journal of Physiology Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, Vol.285(3), 529-538, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ456† ‰¤@@‰Ø‹Ú Follistatin-Related Gene (FLRG) Expression in Human Endometrium: Sex Steroid@Hormones Regulate the Expression of FLRG in Cultured Human Endometrial@Stromal Cells
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinolog‚™ & Metabolism, Vol.88(9), 4432-4439, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ457† ˆÉ“¡@Žjl Antitumor Reactivity of Anti-CD3/Anti-CD28 Bead Activated Lymphoid Cells: Implications for Cell Therapy in a Murine Model
Journal of Immunotherapy, Vol.26(3), 222-233, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ458† “¡–ì@‘•c Increased expression of interleukin-17 in inflammatory bowel disease
Gut, Vol.52(1), 65-70, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ459† ‰Á“¡@”Ž•¶ Expression of Pericyte, Mesangium and Muscle Markers in Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor Cell Lines: Differentiation induction using 5-azacytidine
Cancer Science (JPN J CANCER RES), Vol.94(12), 1059-1065, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ460† ’·’Jì@‹Ï Effectiveness of Coagulation Factor XIII Concentrate for Reversing Loss of Tensile Strength of Rat Intestinal Anastomoses
European Surgical Research, Vol.36, 53-58, 2004
”ŽŽm‘æ461† ìè@½N Effect of His-Gly-Lys motif derived from domain 5 of high molecular weight kininogen on suppression of cancer metastasis both in vitro and in vivo
The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol.278(49), 49301-49307, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ462† ”öè@—Ç’q Expression and Immunogeniciy of a Tumor-Associated Antigen, 90K/Mac-2 Binding Protein, in Lung Carcinoma: The Possibility of Its Clinical Use as a Tumor Marker and a Target Antigen in Cancer Immunotherapy
i”xŠà‚É‚¨‚¯‚éŽîᇊ֘ARŒ´ 90K/Mac-2 Binding Protein ‚Ì”­Œ»‚¨‚æ‚Ñ‚»‚̖ƉuŒ´«FŽîᇃ}[ƒJ[‚¨‚æ‚ÑŠà–Ɖu—Ö@‚É‚¨‚¯‚é•W“IRŒ´‚Æ‚µ‚Ä‚Ì—Õ°‰ž—p‚̉”\«j
Cancer, Vol.95(9), 1954-1962, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ463† “¡–{@“¿‹B Quantities of interleukin-12p40 in mature CD8ƒ¿ negative dendritic cells correlate with strength of TCR signal and determine Th cell development
i¬nŒ^‚b‚c8ƒ¿‰A«Ž÷ó×–E‚̃Cƒ“ƒ^[ƒƒCƒLƒ“ 12p40 ŽY¶—Ê‚Í‚s×–EƒŒƒZƒvƒ^[ƒVƒOƒiƒ‹‚Ì‹­‚³‚Æ‘ŠŠÖ‚µAƒwƒ‹ƒp[‚s×–E‚Ì•ª‰»‚ðŒˆ’è‚·‚éj
Microbiology and Immunology, Vol.47(12), 1017-1024, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ464† ‘啽@’¼l Angiotensin-converting enzyme insertion /deletion polymorphism modulates coronary release of tissue plasminogen activator in response to bradykinin
Hypertension Research, Vol.27(1), 39-45, 2004
”ŽŽm‘æ465† ŒÃŽs@Œ’Ž¡ Role of combined CT hepatic angiography and CT during arterial portopgraphy in the management of patients with hepatocellular carcinomas and liver metastases
Hepatology Reasearch (in Press)
”ŽŽm‘æ466† “cè@˜am Pro-inflamatory Cytokine-induced Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) Secretion in Human Pancreatic Periacinar Myofibroblasts
Pancreatology, Vol.3, 414-421, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ467† RABENANDRASANA Hajasoa Alain Comparison between tissue harmonic imaging and liver specific late phase contrast-enhanced pulse-inversion imaging in tne detection of hepatocellular carcinomas and liver metastases
Radiation Medicine (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ468† ‰eŽR@@i High expression of human uroplakin Ia in urinary bladder transitional cell@carcinoma
Japanese Journal of Cancer Reasearch, Vol.93, 523-531, 2002
”ŽŽm‘æ469† –qÎ@“O–ç C-106T Polymorphism of AKR1B1 Is Associated With Diabetic Nephropathy and Erythrocyte Aldose Reductase Content in Japanese Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
iAKR1B1 C-106Tˆâ“`Žq‘½Œ^‚ÍA“ú–{l‚QŒ^“œ”A•aŠ³ŽÒ‚É‚¨‚¢‚Ä“œ”A•a«tÇ‚Ì—L–³‚¨‚æ‚ÑÔŒŒ‹…’†ƒAƒ‹ƒh[ƒXŠÒŒ³y‘f—Ê‚Æ‘ŠŠÖ‚·‚éj
American Journal of Kidney Disease, Vol.42(5), 943-951, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ470† Šâˆä@@Ÿ Six novel UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT1A3) polymorphisms with varying activity
Journal of Human Genetics (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ471† ¬ì@“ÖO Neutralization of interleukin-17 aggravates dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice
Clinical Immunology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ472† ŒF’J@mŒ© Thioproline inhibits development of esophageal adenocarcinoma induced by gastroduodenal reflux in rats
Carcinogenesis, 2003 (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ473† ˆÀ‰ª@‹MŽu The effects of lectins on indomethacin-induced small intestinal ulceration
International Journal of Experimental Pathology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ474† –k“c@@O Translocation of glomerular p47phox and p67phox by protein kinase C-ƒÀ activation is required for oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy
i“œ”A•a«tÇ‚É‚¨‚¯‚éŽ_‰»ƒXƒgƒŒƒX‚ɂ̓vƒƒeƒCƒ“ƒLƒi[ƒ[‚b-ƒÀ‚É‚æ‚鎅‹…‘Ìp47phox,p67phox‚̈Ús‚ª•K—v‚Å‚ ‚éj
Diabetes, Vol.52, 2603-2614, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ475† ‘h@@“ì² In Situ Collagen Gelation:A New Method for Constructing Large Tissue in Rotary Culture Vessels
iIn situ‚É‚¨‚¯‚éƒRƒ‰[ƒQƒ“‚̃[ƒ‰ƒ`ƒ“‰»–@F‰ñ“]Ž®”|—{‘•’u‚É‚æ‚éV‚µ‚¢‘gD\’z–@j
In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal, 2003 (in Press)
”ŽŽm‘æ476† ¼“c@‚K Gastric distention-induced release of serotonin stimulates c-fos expression in specific brain nuclei via 5-HT3 receptors@in conscious rats
American Journal of Physiology. Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ477† “¡–ì@˜a“T Ghrelin induces fasted motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract in conscious fed rats
iˆÓŽ¯‰ºƒ‰ƒbƒgÁ‰»ŠÇ‚É‚¨‚¯‚éƒOƒŒƒŠƒ“‚É‚æ‚éHŒã‹ó• Šú‰^“®‚Ì—U”­j
Journal of Physiology, 550(1), 227-240, 2003
”ŽŽm‘æ478† ‘½Ž­@ŽO˜aŽq Neuronal intermediate filament profile in the developing rat retina
Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica (in press)
”ŽŽm‘æ479† •y‰ª@ŒöŽq Žè˜b’Ê–óŽÒ‚É‚¨‚¯‚鉹ºŒ¾Œê‚É‚æ‚è—U”­‚³‚ꂽ‹Ø‹Ù’£”½‰ž‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éŽÀŒ±“IŒ¤‹† ŽY‹Æ‰q¶ŠwŽGŽiŒfÚ—\’èj
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ŠwˆÊ‹L”Ô† Ž@@–¼ ŠwˆÊ˜_•¶‘è–Ú ŒfÚŽGŽ
‰¡ŽR@“N—Y Development of a high-throughput bioassay to screen melatonin receptor agonists using human melatonin receptor expressing CHO cells
Neuroscience Letters, Vol.344(1), 45-48, 2003
œd@@“ÖᢠAlterations of Chromosomal Copy Number during Progression of Diffuse-type Gastric Carcinomas: Metaphase- and Array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization Analyses of Multiple Samples in Individual Tumors
iDiffuse-type ˆÝŠà‚Ìi“W‚É‚¨‚¯‚éõF‘Ìcopy”‚̕ω»FŒÂX‚ÌŽîᇂ̕¡”ƒTƒ“ƒvƒ‹‚Ìmetaphase CGH ‚Æarray CGH‚É‚æ‚é‰ðÍj
Journal of Pathology (in press )
¬—Ñ@ŸO Neoadjuvant intraarterial chemotherapy for locally advanced uterine cervical cancer -Clinical efficacy and factors influencing response -
i‹ÇŠisŽq‹{ŒzŠà‚ɑ΂·‚éƒlƒIƒAƒWƒ…ƒoƒ“ƒg“®–¬“à’“ü‰»Šw—Ö@ -—Õ°“I—L—p«‚ÆŽîᇂÌk¬‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éˆöŽq‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä-j
Cardio Vascular and Interventional Radiology , Vol. 26(3) (in press)
쓈@‰ÀŽq MRI measurements of extraocular muscle path shift and posterior eyeball prolapse from the muscle cone in acquired esotropia with high myopia
American Journal of Ophthalmology (in press)
¼ŽR@‡”Ž Immunohistochemical analysis of cell cycle]regulating]protein(p21,p27,and Ki-67) expression in gastroesophageal reflux disease
Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol.37, 905-911, 2002
÷ˆä@Œ’° Occurrence of patchy parakeratosis in normal-appearing skin in patients with active atopic dermatitis and in patients with healed atopic dermatitis : a cause of impaired barrier function of the atopic skin
Journal of Dermatological Science, Vol.30, 37-42, 2002
‘E“c@‹±’j Enhancement of Lidocaine-Induced Epidural Anesthesia by Deoxyaconitine in the Rabbit
Journal of Anesthesia, 2003 (in press)
“V–{@Œ’Ži Epidemiologic Study of the Association of Low-Km Mitochondrial Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase Genotypes with Blood Pressure Level and the Prevalence of Hypertension in a General Population
‚gypertension Research, Vol.25(6), 857-864, 2002
‘ë–k@Š²Žq Activation of Src kinase in platelet-derived growth factor-B-dependent tubular regeneration after acute ischemic renal injury
(‹•ŒŒ«táŠQŒã‚ɶ‚¶‚é”A׊Ç×–E‚ÌPDGF-BˆË‘¶«Ä¶‚É‚¨‚¯‚éAŠˆ«Œ^Src kinase‚Ì”­Œ»‚Æ–ðŠ„)
American Journal of Pathology, Vol.163(1), 277-286, 2003
A¼@•q_ Role of foods in irregular aggravation of atopic dermatitis
The Journal of Dermatology, Vol.30, 91-97, 2003
ŠâŒ©@”ü Demonstration of fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 in rat adrenal gland as revealed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry
Acta Histochemica et Cytochemica , 36(4), 353-359, 2003
”öè@—S“ñ Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 (DISC-1) : Mutant truncation prevents binding to NudE-like (NUDEL) and inhibits neurite outgrowth
i•ÏˆÙ‚É‚æ‚èØ’f‚³‚ꂽ Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 (DISC-1) ‚ÍNudE-like (NUDEL) ‚ÆŒ‹‡‚Å‚«‚¸A_Œo“Ë‹N‚ÌL’·‚ð‘jŠQ‚·‚éj
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol.100(1), 289-294, 2003
’U•”@K”Ž A Novel Apoptotic Pathway Induced by the drs Tumor Suppressor Gene
Oncogene, 2003(in press)
M‰z@Œõ•F ƒ^ƒNƒV[‰^“]Žè‚̘’É—\–h‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é˜J“­‰q¶Šw“IŒ¤‹†
@@‚Q@Measurement of Whole-Body Vibration in Taxi DriversD
‚PFŽY‹Æ‰q¶ŠwŽGŽ, Vol45(6), 235-247, 2003
‚QFJournal of Occupational Health, Vol.46(2)‚ÉŒfÚ—\’èj
ŒüŠ@Œ«ˆê Gastric Carcinogenesis by Duodenal Reflux through Gut Regenerative Cell Lineage
iGut regenerative cell lineage(’°ŠÇĶזEŒnj‚ð‰î‚µ‚Ä‚¨‚±‚é\“ñŽw’°‰t‹t—¬‚É‚æ‚éˆÝŠà‚Ì”­Šà‰ß’öj
Dig Dis Sci, 2003 (in pressj
‰ª–{@’¨•F Teratogenic effects of bis-diamine on the developing myocardium
Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology (in press)
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ŠwˆÊ‹L”Ô† Ž@@–¼ ŠwˆÊ˜_•¶‘è–Ú ŒfÚŽGŽ
CŽm‘æ46† {“¡@@ˆ¨ u‹«ŠE«lŠiáŠQŠ³ŽÒ‚ÌŠÅŒì‚͓‚¢v‚Æ‚¢‚¤ŠÅŒìŽÒ‚ÌŠÏ”OŒ`¬‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚錤‹†  
CŽm‘æ47† ¡‰ª@–œ—¢ dÇW’†ƒPƒA”F’èŠÅŒìŽt‚̉Ƒ°‚ÆŠ³ŽÒ‚Ì‹——£‚ðk‚ß‚é‰Æ‘°ŠÅŒìŽÀ‘HƒvƒƒZƒX  
CŽm‘æ48† ’|‘º@~Žq —cŽ™Šú‚ÌŽˆ‘Ì•sŽ©—RŽ™‚ð‚à‚•ƒe‚Ì—{ˆçs“®‚ÌŠl“¾ƒvƒƒZƒX  
CŽm‘æ49† —Ñ@@—TŽq —cŽ™ŒãŠú‚ÌŽq‚Ç‚à‚ɬŽèp‚ðŽó‚¯‚邱‚Æ‚ðgŒ¾‚¤h•êe‚Ì‘ÌŒ±  
CŽm‘æ50† ’†–ì@ˆçŽq “ü‰@‚ÉŽŠ‚Á‚½Ø”—‘ŽY”D•w‚ÌŽ©ŠoÇó‚Ì“Á’¥  
CŽm‘æ51† ‚‰ª@Ÿ‘ã —«“œ”A•aŠ³ŽÒ‚̉Ƒ°–ðŠ„‚Æ—Ã—{s“®‚Ì’²®  
CŽm‘æ52† ’Ø“c@–¾Žq •êe‚Ì‘æ‚PŽq‚ɑ΂·‚é—{ˆçˆÓŽ¯‚Æ‚»‚̉e‹¿—vˆö|‘æ‚QŽq”DP’†‚É‚¨‚¯‚镪Í|  
CŽm‘æ53† –{“c@‰Â“ÞŽq ŽOŽŸ‹~‹}ˆã—ÃŽ{Ý‚ÌŠO—ˆ‚É‚¨‚¯‚éŠÅŒìŽÀ‘H‚Ì“à—e  
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