Shiga University of Medical Science >ENGLISH
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”ŽŽm ‘æ533† ŽR‰º@WO Transient suppression of PPARƒÁ directed ES cells into an osteoblastic lineage
FEBS Letters, 580, 2121-2125, 2006
”ŽŽm ‘æ534† Dimitar Petrov Zankov Angiotensin II Potentiates the Slow Component of Delayed Rectifier K+ Current via the AT1 Receptor in Guinea Pig Atrial Myocytes
Circulation, 113, 1278-1286, 2006
”ŽŽm ‘æ535† Ô–x@_–ç Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 antagonist, capsazepine, improves survival in a rat hemorrhagic shock model
iTRPV1hRÜ‚Å‚ ‚éƒJƒvƒTƒ[ƒsƒ“‚ÌAƒ‰ƒbƒgoŒŒ«ƒVƒ‡ƒbƒNƒ‚ƒfƒ‹¶‘¶—¦‰ü‘PŒø‰Ê‚ÌŒŸ“¢j
Annals of Surgery (in press)
”ŽŽm ‘æ536† ²“¡@Šìj Increased expression of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-ƒÀ and -ƒÂ and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 genes in aortas from hyperinsulinaemic rats
i‚ƒCƒ“ƒXƒŠƒ“ŒŒÇƒ‰ƒbƒg‚Ì‘å“®–¬‚Å‚ÍCCAAT/enhancer binding protein-beta, -delta‚¨‚æ‚Ñmonocyte chemoattractant protein-1ˆâ“`Žq‚Ì”­Œ»‚ª‘‰Á‚·‚éj
Diabetologia(in press)
”ŽŽm ‘æ537† ê @@ƒˆê The MR tracking of transplanted ATDC5 cells using fluorinated poly-L-lysine-CF3
Biomaterials, 28(3), 434-440 , 2007
”ŽŽm ‘æ538† ’|“à@Œ\‰î Porcine germinal angiotensin I-converting enzyme: Isolation, characterization and molecular cloning
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 146, 215-226, 2007
”ŽŽm ‘æ539† ‘åàV@‹I”V Combinational effect of genes for the renin-angiotensin system in conferring susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy
Journal of Human Genetics, 52, 143-151, 2007
”ŽŽm ‘æ540† ‹v•Ä@^Ži SIRT1 Inhibits Transforming Growth Factor ƒÀ-induced Apoptosis in Glomerular Mesangial Cells via Smad7 Deacetylation
Journal of Biological Chemistry , 282(1), 151-158, 2007
”ŽŽm ‘æ541† ’r“c@˜aO Transcription Factor Activating Enhancer-binding@Protein-2ƒÀ: A NEGATIVE REGULATOR OF ADIPONECTIN GENE EXPRESSION
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281(42), 31245-31253, 2006
”ŽŽm ‘æ542† “ú‚”ü‘ãŽq Transplantation of Engineered Bone Tissue Using a Rotary 3-Dimensional Culture System
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal (in press)
”ŽŽm ‘æ543† ¬ò@—S‰î Emergence of Antiretroviral Therapy Resistance |Associated Primary Mutations Among Drug-Naive HIV-1 |Infected Individuals in Rural Western Cameroon
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes , 43(1), 15-22, 2006
”ŽŽm ‘æ544† ‹v•Û@[•F Exogenous collagen enhanced recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells during rabbit articular cartilage repair
Acta Orthopaedica (in press)
”ŽŽm ‘æ545† –쑺@@“N MafA differentiates rat intestinal cells into insulin-producing cells
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 349, 136-143, 2006
”ŽŽm ‘æ546† ¼”ö@‰ë”Ž A novel SNP in hPer2 associates with diurnal preference in a healthy population
Sleep and Biological Rhythms (in press)
”ŽŽm ‘æ547† ŽRª@“NM Impact of Paraoxonase Polymorphism (Q192R) on Endothelial Function in Intact Coronary Circulation
Hypertension Research 29, 417-422, 2006
”ŽŽm ‘æ548† ŒË“c@—T”V Stimulatory action of protein kinase CƒÃ isoform on the slow component of delayed rectifier K+ current in guinea-pig atrial myocytes
British Journal of Pharmacology 150, 1011-1021, 2007
”ŽŽm ‘æ549† Žðˆä@@G Direct Comparison of Brain Natriuretic Peptide(BNP) and N-terminal Pro-BNP Secretion and Extent of Coronary Artery Stenosis in Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Circulation Journal@(in press)
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ŠwˆÊ‹L”Ô† Ž@@–¼ ŠwˆÊ˜_•¶‘è–Ú ŒfÚŽGŽ
’–“c@_— rh-BMP2-induced ectopic bone for grafting critical size defects: a preliminary histological evaluation in rat calvariae
(ƒqƒgƒŠƒRƒ“ƒrƒiƒ“ƒgBMP-2 ‚É—U“±‚³‚ꂽˆÚAœ|ƒ‰ƒbƒg“ªŠWœœŒ‡‘¹•”ˆÚA‚É‚¨‚¯‚é•a—‘gDŠw“IŒŸ“¢|j
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery , 36, 39-44, 2007
’|–{@’‰Ži RBMX is a novel hepatic transcriptional regulator of SREBP-1c gene response to high-fructose diet
iXõF‘̘A½RNAŒ‹‡ƒ‚ƒ`[ƒt’`”’Ž¿‚Í‚‰Ê“œH‚ɉž“š‚·‚éƒXƒeƒ[ƒ‹’²ßƒGƒŒƒƒ“ƒgŒ‹‡’`”’Ž¿-1cˆâ“`Žq‚ÌV‹KŠÌ“]ŽÊ’²ßˆöŽq‚Å‚ ‚éj
FEBS Letters, 581, 218-222, 2007
‰i’J@K—T Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography Coronary Angiography -Optimization of Image Reconstruction Phase According to the Heart Rate-
Circulation Journal, 71(1), 112-121, 2007
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ŠwˆÊ‹L”Ô† Ž@@–¼ ŠwˆÊ˜_•¶‘è–Ú ŒfÚŽGŽ
CŽm ‘æ76† —é–Ø‚Ð‚Æ‚Ý Ò‘‘¹ŽÒ‚ÌáŠQ‚·‚邱‚Ƃ̈Ӗ¡‚ð–â‚¢’¼‚·@|Œ»ÛŠw“IŽ‹“_‚©‚ç|  
CŽm ‘æ77† ’Ò‰ª@–F”ü ‰Æ‘°‹@”\‚Æ•‰’SŠ´î‚ª‚QŒ^“œ”A•aŠ³ŽÒ‚ÌŒŒ“œƒRƒ“ƒgƒ[ƒ‹‚É—^‚¦‚é‰e‹¿  
CŽm ‘æ78† –q–ì@—R ¬‹K–Í‘½‹@”\ƒPƒA‚É‚¨‚¯‚éŠÅŒìE‚ƉîŒìE‚Ì–ðŠ„  
CŽm ‘æ79† X–{@–¾Žq ’j«“œ”A•aŠ³ŽÒ‚Ì‹i‰Œs“®‹y‚Ñ‹Ö‰Œ‚Ì€”õ«‚ÆS—ŽÐ‰ï“I—vˆö‚Æ‚ÌŠÖ˜A  
CŽm ‘æ80† —³‰ª@‹vŽ} ”D•w‚ª”F’m‚·‚éŽÀ•ê‚̃Tƒ|[ƒg‚ւ̉e‹¿@|”DPæs¥”D•w‚Ì“Á’¥‚©‚ç|  
CŽm ‘æ81† ¼ì‚Ý‚ä‚« A‹Æ‰ŽY•w‚̕꫈ӎ¯‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚錤‹†@|A‹ÆŽuŒü‚ƃAƒCƒfƒ“ƒeƒBƒeƒB‚Æ‚ÌŠÖ˜A|  
CŽm ‘æ82† “’ó@’qŽq ŠÅŒìê–åŠwZ‹³ˆõ‚Ì•ø‚¦‚éƒWƒŒƒ“ƒ}‚Ì”‘Š  
CŽm ‘æ83† ¡–x@—zŽq ŠÅŒìŽt‚Ì‘gD“àƒLƒƒƒŠƒA”­’B‚ƃƒ“ƒ^ƒŠƒ“ƒO@|ê–åE“IŽ©—¥«‚ÌŠl“¾‚É’…–Ú‚µ‚Ä|  
CŽm ‘æ84† •½–ì‰Á‘ãŽq ŠÅŒì‹³ˆõ‚É‚¨‚¯‚éƒRƒ“ƒsƒeƒ“ƒV[Eƒ‚ƒfƒ‹‚Ì\’z@|—Õ’nŽÀKŽw“±ê–Ê‚É‚¨‚¯‚éŠÅŒì‹³ˆõ‚Ìs“®“Á«|  
CŽm ‘æ85† ’†ˆä@’qŽq f’fŒQ•ª—ޕʕ•]‰¿‚Ì“±“ü‚ª‹y‚Ú‚µ‚½ŠÅŒì‚ւ̉e‹¿@|ƒo[ƒ“ƒAƒEƒg‚ÆŠÅŒìŽt—£EAƒCƒ“ƒVƒfƒ“ƒgEˆã—ÃŽ–ŒÌ”­¶‚ÌŽÀ‘Ô’²¸‚©‚ç|  
CŽm ‘æ86† ˆÉ’ÔüFŽq ƒvƒŠƒZƒvƒ^[ƒVƒbƒv‚É‚¨‚¯‚éŠÅŒìŽt’·‚Ì–ðŠ„s“®‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚éŽÀØ“IŒ¤‹†  
CŽm ‘æ87† ‹Ê…@—¢”ü ‚S‚©ŒŽŽ™Œ’Nf¸‚Å•ÛŒ’Žt‚ª‚Ƃ炦‚Ä‚¢‚éeŽqŠÖŒW  
CŽm ‘æ88† ŽRŒû@’qŽq —cŽ™ŒãŠú‚ÌŽq‚Ç‚à‚É‚¨‚¯‚é“à•ž‚̃vƒŠƒpƒŒ[ƒVƒ‡ƒ“ƒ‚ƒfƒ‹ŽŽˆÄ‚Ì\’z  
CŽm ‘æ89† ´…@–[Ž} •a‰@‚É“­‚­ŠÅŒìŽt‚ªŽó‚¯‚é–\—Í‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é—vˆö‚Ì•ªÍ  
CŽm ‘æ90† ‰¬“c”ü•äŽq ”]E_ŒoŽ¾Š³Š³ŽÒ‚É‚¨‚¯‚éÓIE“®“Iƒoƒ‰ƒ“ƒXŽw•W‚¨‚æ‚ъȈՉ^“®”\—ÍŽw•W‚Æ“]“|ŒoŒ±‚Æ‚ÌŠÖ˜A  
CŽm ‘æ91† ’J“c@‘y—º Žá—‚æ‚Ñ‚—ƒbƒg‰º‘Ú‹Ø‚Ìœ_Œo‚É‚æ‚é•Ï‰»  
CŽm ‘æ92† ’Ò@@W• ’ÊíŠw‹‰‚ÉÝЂ·‚é–«Ž¾Š³‚ÌŽ™“¶E¶“k‚ÌŽÀ‘Ô‚Æ—{Œì‹³—@‚ª•ø‚¦‚é–â‘è‚ƘAŒg‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä  
CŽm ‘æ93† ²–¼–ØG”ü “œ”A•a«tÇ‚©‚瓧͂ƂȂÁ‚½Š³ŽÒ‚ÌáŠQŽó—e‚ƃAƒhƒqƒAƒ‰ƒ“ƒXs“® |Locus of Control‚Æ‚ÌŠÖ˜A‚ɂ‚¢‚Ä|  
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