
  • ホーム
  • 外来のご案内
  • 入院のご案内
  • 診療科一覧
  • 病院のご案内
  • 相談窓口
  • 医療機関の方へ


  • Outpatient Information First-Time Patients
  • Outpatient Information For follow-up patients
  • Health Insurance Card
  • Parking
  • Hospital Admission Information
  • Hospital Guidebook
  • Outpatient Information First-Time Patients

    Patients without a referral letter are charged a first-time visit fee.

    Shiga University of Medical Science Hospital is designated as an advanced treatment hospital.
    Advanced treatment hospitals are institutions regulated under the Medical Care Act and tasked to provide advanced medical care to patients referred by other medical institutions in the region or patients in the acute phase of illness.

    • We prioritize hospital referrals. Wait times for patients without a referral letter from another hospital may be longer.
    • Patients without a referral letter are charged a Sentei Ryoyohi (fee for initial visit) of ¥13,200 in addition to any other medical consultation fees. (Medical and dental treatment are considered separately under the Health Insurance Act. Therefore, if you visit both, you will be charged ¥13,200 for each.)
    • As a university hospital, we are designed to contribute to the local healthcare system, while sharing roles and functions and cooperating with primary and specialized hospitals and clinics in the region. Our specific role is to provide care to patients who require advanced medical treatment or who are in the acute phase of illness. Patients recovering from surgical procedures and patients being seen at this facility specifically for supervised administration of drug therapy are expected to return to their primary hospital or clinic near their home for continuing care.


    (1) Reception

    Patients with a referral letter
    • Fill out and submit the patient registration form with your health insurance card, relevant care vouchers, and a referral letter at the Patient Support Center (No. 11).
    • You will receive a Patient ID Card. The Patient ID Card is permanent and valid for consultation and care at all hospital departments.
    Patients without a referral letter
    • Fill out and submit the patient registration form with your health insurance card and other medical care vouchers at the New Patient Reception Counter (No. 3).
    • You will receive a Patient ID Card. The Patient ID Card is permanent and valid for consultation and care at all hospital departments.
    • If you do not know which clinical department you should visit, please inquire with reception counter staff. A nurse or a primary care physician will provide you with the necessary information.
    • Please present your health insurance card on your first visit of the month.
    • If you are seeking treatment for injuries incurred in a traffic or occupational accident, please inform the General Information Counter staff upon arrival.

    (2) Medical Consultations & Tests

    • Present your Patient ID Card to the reception counter of the clinical department you are visiting.
    • To ensure that you are seen by the appropriate specialist, the order in which you are called may vary depending on your condition.
    • Staff at each clinical department will guide you to medical consultation, tests, and treatment.

    (3) Calculation of Medical Consultation Fees

    • After your consultation, tests and treatment, please present the green bag you have received to the Cashier (No. 5) on the 1st floor.
    For patients required to submit
    fees for services
    For patients exempt from payment
    and who are not receiving in-hospital
    You will receive a numbered ticket
    for the payment.


    You are free to leave.
    Please take care.

    (4) Payment

    • When your bill has been prepared, the number on your ticket will be displayed on the board.
    • Please pay at the Payment Counter (No. 6) or at the automatic payment machine.
      *After business hours (5:15 pm – 8:30 am), and on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, you can make payments at the After-hour Reception Counter.
    • If your number is displayed in red, payment via the automatic payment machine is not possible.
    • We accept payment by credit card.
      (The automatic payment machine also accepts cash cards and debit cards.)
    The following credit cards are accepted for payment
    at the automatic payment machine.
    Please note
    VISA/ MasterCard/ JCB/ American Express/
    DC/Saison etc.
    • Only lump-sum payment is accepted
      when paying by credit card.
    • Please verify the credit limit
      before using the card.
      (Please contact your card company
      for details.)
    Contact information about the payment

    Medical Service Division Fee Collection

    • TEL: 077-548-2510 (Weekdays: 8:30 am – 5:15 pm)
    • Patients receiving medication at the hospital will receive a prescription ticket with their individual receipt. (Patients exempt from payment will receive the prescription ticket only.)


    • As a general rule, we issue prescriptions for pickup at a pharmacy outside the hospital.
    When picking up prescribed medications
    at a pharmacy outside the hospital
    When picking up prescribed medications
    dispensed at the hospital
    We issue outside pharmacy prescriptions.

    Please inform staff at the FAX Service
    for Outpatient Pharmacies (No. 8)
    of the name of the pharmacy where you
    would like to have your prescription filled.
    Our staff will send your prescription
    to the pharmacy of your choice via FAX
    (free of charge).
    * Weekdays: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Your prescription ticket number is
    displayed on the board
    at the hospital pharmacy.

    Present your prescription ticket at the
    Prescription Counter (No. 7) to pick up
    your medications.


    2F, 3F, 4F

    Outpatient Information For follow-up patients

    Sentei Ryoyohi (fees charged for a first visit without a referral letter)

    • Patients without a referral letter whose last visit to the hospital was more than three months prior may be charged a ¥13,200 first-time patient fee (Sentei Ryoyohi).
    • If you visit our hospital again of your own free will even after we suggest preparing a referral letter to another hospital (with less than 200 general beds) or clinic, you will be charged Sentei Ryoyohi of ¥6,050.


    (1) Reception

    Patients with a referral letter
    • Submit your Patient ID Card, health insurance card, relevant care vouchers, and a referral letter at the Patient Support Center (No. 11).
    Patients without a referral letter
    • If you have already made an appointment, please check-in using the follow-up-visit registration machine.
    • If you fall under one of the categories listed below, please take a numbered ticket from the registration machine at the Follow-up-visit Reception Counter (No. 4) and wait for your number to be called.
      • Patients visiting the department for the first time
      • Patients with an appointment card that does not have a specific date
      • Patients without an appointment card
      • Patients whose health insurance card, address, name, etc. have changed
      • Patients who have forgotten to bring their Patient ID Card
    • If you do not know which clinical department you should visit, please inquire with reception counter staff. A nurse or a primary care physician will provide you with the necessary information.
    • Please present your health insurance card on your first visit of the month.
      (If you check-in with the follow-up-visit registration machine, please present your health insurance card at the reception counter of the clinical department you are visiting.)
    • If you are seeking treatment for injuries incurred in a traffic or occupational accident, please inform the General information staff upon arrival.

    (2) Medical Consultations & Tests

    • Present your Patient ID Card to the reception counter of the clinical department you are visiting.
    • To ensure that you are seen by the appropriate specialist, the order in which you are called may vary depending on your condition.
    • Staff at each clinical department will guide you to medical consultation, tests, and treatment.

    (3) Calculation of Medical Consultation Fees

    • After your consultation, tests and treatment, please present the green bag you have received to the Cashier (No. 5) on the 1st floor.
    For patients required to submit
    fees for services
    For patients exempt from payment
    and who are not receiving in-hospital
    You will receive a numbered ticket
    for the payment.


    You are free to leave.
    Please take care.

    (4) Payment

    • When your bill has been prepared, the number on your ticket will be displayed on the board.
    • Please pay at the Payment Counter (No. 6) or at the automatic payment machine.
      *After business hours (5:15 pm – 8:30 am), and on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, you can make payments at the After-hour Reception Counter.
    • If your number is displayed in red, payment via the automatic payment machine is not possible.
    • We accept payment by credit card.
      (The automatic payment machine also accepts cash cards and debit cards.)
    The following credit cards are accepted for payment
    at the automatic payment machine.
    Please note
    VISA/ MasterCard/ JCB/ American Express/ DC/Saison etc.
    • Only lump-sum payment is accepted when paying by credit card.
    • Please verify the credit limit before using the card.
      (Please contact your card company for details.)
    Contact information about the payment

    Medical Service Division Fee Collection

    • TEL: 077-548-2510 (Weekdays: 8:30 am – 5:15 pm)
    • Patients receiving medication at the hospital will receive a prescription ticket with their individual receipt. (Patients exempt from payment will receive the prescription ticket only.)


    • As a general rule, we issue prescriptions for pickup at a pharmacy outside the hospital.
    When picking up prescribed medications
    at a pharmacy outside the hospital
    When picking up prescribed medications
    dispensed at the hospital
    We issue outside pharmacy prescriptions.

    Please inform staff at the FAX Service
    for Outpatient Pharmacies (No. 8)
    of the name of the pharmacy where you
    would like to have your prescription filled.
    Our staff will send your prescription
    to the pharmacy of your choice via FAX
    (free of charge).
    * Weekdays: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
    Your prescription ticket number is
    displayed on the board
    at the hospital pharmacy.

    Present your prescription ticket at the
    Prescription Counter (No. 7) to pick up
    your medications.

    Health Insurance Card

    • If you do not know which clinical department you should visit, please inquire with the reception counter (No. 11) staff.
    • Please present your health insurance card on your first visit of the month.
      (If you check-in with the follow-up-visit registration machine, please present your health insurance card at the reception counter of the clinical department you are visiting.)
    • If you are seeking treatment for injuries incurred in a traffic or occupational accident, please inform the General Reception Counter staff upon arrival.



    Parking Rates

    • Please go to the Patient Parking Ticket Counter near the Entrance on the 1st floor for validated parking.
      • Present your parking ticket with your receipt or other documents from your visit to the hospital.
      • If you qualify for a payment waiver and have no receipts or other documents, please inform the Fee Settlement Counter (No. 5) staff.
    • If you are hospitalized, please see the Hospital Admission Reception (No. 2) staff about parking.
      • We ask you not to use hospital parking while you are hospitalized. Use of parking during hospitalization is charged.
    • If you use a wheelchair or have difficulty walking, please see Hospital Admission Reception (No. 2) next to the Entrance for permission to use disabled parking.
      Because the parking lot is often extremely crowded, we ask that you use public transportation whenever possible.


    Hospital Admission Information


    (1) Telephone Contact by Our Hospital

    • If you have already made an appointment for hospital admission, we will inform you of the date and time of admission after evaluating urgency, bed availability, date of surgery, and other important matters.

    (2) Hospital Admission Reception

    • On the day of admission, please come to Hospital Admission Reception Counter (No. 2) on the 1st floor by the scheduled time.
    • If you anticipate being late, please contact the hospital ward.
    • Please make sure that you bring the following items for hospital admission.
      • Hospital Admission Certificate
      • Patient Gown Rental Receipt
      • Patient ID Card
      • Name seal (Inkan)
      • Health Insurance Card (Your Publicly-funded Healthcare Certificate if you have one.)
      • Visitor information sheet and Consent for release of medical information to the third party (family, etc.)
      • Self-assessment regarding hospital admission
      • Certification of Eligibility for Fee Cap (Only eligible patients)
      • Medical certificate to be submitted to your insurance company (If applicable)
      • All the medications you currently take (bring your medication record booklet and instructions).
      • Certificate of discharge from other hospitals (If applicable)
    • Please notify our staff if you are in the process of applying for publicly-funded healthcare [Services and Support for Persons with Disabilities (Fostering/ Rehabilitation)].
    • If you are being hospitalized because of a traffic or occupational accident, please notify our staff in advance because special procedures are required.

    (3) Hospital Ward

    • After completing procedures for hospital admission, proceed to the ward you are being admitted to. A nurse will provide an orientation (regarding your hospital stay, the facilities, etc.).
    • Please use a cart (located on the right side of the hospital entrance) to carry your luggage. Please return the cart for other patients.

    Discharge Procedures

    • The director of the department, the head of the ward, and your physician will determine when you are ready for discharge from the hospital.
    • A nurse or a ward clerk will inform you of the discharge procedures.
    • The ward clerk will provide you with your bill. Please pay at the automatic payment machine located at the General Reception Counter on the 1st floor or at the Payment Counter (No. 6).
    • After completing payment, please go to the staff station for your Patient ID Card . Upon receiving the Card, you are free to leave the hospital.
    • Check-out time is 10:00 am.

    Hospital Guidebook




  • 医療の質についての指標クオリティ インディケーター
  • 人を対象とする医学系研究に関する情報公開について
  • 診療実績
  • 採用情報
  • 臨床研究支援スタッフ募集
  • 研修医募集
  • 看護師募集
  • 当院の特定看護師
  • 寄付のお願い
  • 病院敷地内は全面禁煙です
  • 本院は病院機能評価認定病院です